
spring potato Learn more about spring potato

  • Cultivation techniques of Potato

    Cultivation techniques of Potato

    Cultivation techniques of Potato

  • Late Management of Spring Potato with the latest plastic Film

    Late Management of Spring Potato with the latest plastic Film

    Now the planting technology in our country is more and more developed, and most of the vegetable crops can be planted out of season. Potatoes are no exception, of course. Now many people plant potatoes in spring. Most of the potatoes planted in spring are planted with plastic film, while the spring soil with plastic film is the main one.

    2020-11-10 The latest plastic film spring potato late management now our country
  • High-yielding Cultivation Models of Several Potato Species

    High-yielding Cultivation Models of Several Potato Species

    In recent years, Potato Association of Ziyang District in Yiyang City actively explored potato high-yield cultivation mode, and carried out continuous demonstration planting in Xiangpulun Township, Yingfengqiao Town and Changchun Town, forming a complete set of high-yield cultivation technology system. Spring potato-double cropping rice cultivation. Spring potato selection "Dongnong 303" and other early-maturing varieties, from mid-late December to early January next year sowing, late April to early May harvest. Early rice is selected from late-maturing varieties, and the seedlings are sown sparsely or raised in two stages.

  • The latest sweet potato early spring seedling precautions

    The latest sweet potato early spring seedling precautions

    Sweet potato seedling in early spring is the first step of sweet potato production, because the quality of seedling caused by the problem occurs more commonly, seriously affecting the subsequent growth and yield of sweet potato. Therefore, we should vigorously do a good job in sweet potato seedling raising. Let's take a look at sweet potato early with Xiaobian.

    2020-11-10 latest sweet potato early spring seedling precautions
  • Late Management of Spring Potato covered with plastic Film

    Late Management of Spring Potato covered with plastic Film

    Late Management of Spring Potato covered with plastic Film

  • Planting time of spring sweet potato

    Planting time of spring sweet potato

    The planting time of spring sweet potato is from April to May every spring, and the temperature at this stage is stable at about 15-20 ℃, which is beneficial to the rapid germination of sweet potato. It is necessary to choose seed potatoes with large size, no defects, no bitten by rats and insects, more bud points and exuberant vitality.

    2020-11-08 Spring sweet potato planting time summary spring
  • Introduction of famous and high-quality varieties of sweet potato

    Introduction of famous and high-quality varieties of sweet potato

    Which variety of sweet potato to choose depends on the market demand and what it is used for, and at the same time, the local cultivation ecological conditions, especially soil diseases, should be considered. According to the test, after detoxification, the yield can be increased by 20% and 30%, and its appearance and merchandise have been improved. Therefore, the selection of virus-free sweet potato varieties is the prerequisite for high yield of sweet potato. The overall goal is to select virus-free sweet potato varieties with disaster resistance, disease resistance, high quality, high yield and high efficiency. According to the national sweet potato regional test and many years of production practice, all kinds of excellent sweet potato varieties are introduced as follows for reference.

  • In which month is the sweet potato (sweet potato) of "Convolvulaceae" growing seedlings? What are the methods of raising seedlings? When can sweet potato seedlings be planted?

    In which month is the sweet potato (sweet potato) of

    Seedling cultivation is the basic work of sweet potato planting, and it also plays a very important role in the quality and yield of sweet potato in the future. So, when do sweet potatoes usually grow seedlings? What are the methods of raising sweet potato seedlings? Sweet potato breeding time sweet potato seeds should be fully bred from mid-February to mid-April

  • "four points for attention" in High yield cultivation of Spring Potato

    In October last year, many people in this village sowed potatoes, but all of them were frozen to death in case of frost. I sowed potatoes twice at the end of January and February this year. Although they did not freeze to death, they only grew seedlings, and there were few and small potatoes, and many of them were eaten by termites. In addition, he adopted the continuous cropping method. The reader asked when to sow potatoes and how to prevent frost and termites. For high yield of spring potato, we should pay attention to the following four aspects: pay attention to sowing at the right time. Spring potato is sown too early, after emergence

  • Cultivation techniques of Potato in greenhouse in early Spring

    Cultivation techniques of Potato in greenhouse in early Spring

    Cultivation techniques of Potato in greenhouse in early Spring

  • Three ways to accelerate potato sprouting quickly in spring

    Three ways to accelerate potato sprouting quickly in spring

    Three ways to accelerate potato sprouting quickly in spring

  • Points for attention in raising seedlings of Sweet Potato in early Spring

    Points for attention in raising seedlings of Sweet Potato in early Spring

    Points for attention in raising seedlings of Sweet Potato in early Spring

  • Matters needing attention in Spring Potato cultivation

    Matters needing attention in Spring Potato cultivation

    Potato (scientific name: Solanum tuberosum, English: potato), Solanaceae, annual herbs, also known as egg, potato, potato and so on. The earliest artificial cultivation of potatoes can be traced back to southern Peru from about 8000 to 5000 BC. Potatoes

    2020-11-08 Potato Spring cultivation precautions Scientific name
  • Key points of cultivation of Spring Potato

    Key points of cultivation of Spring Potato

    Some areas have entered the sowing period of spring potato (potato). All localities should, in the light of local actual conditions, do a good job in production according to the time and place. Rotation is suitable for potato rotation, not continuous cropping, nor continuous cropping with eggplant, tomato, tobacco, sea pepper and other crops, it is better to rotate with Gramineae, Leguminosae and other crops, otherwise it will aggravate the harm of diseases and insect pests such as bacterial wilt, late blight, virus disease and aphids, and seriously affect potato yield. In terms of soil selection, the tillage layer is deep, the structure is loose, drainage and permeability are strong.

  • Experts from the Provincial Crop Institute recommend sweet potato varieties suitable for planting in spring, summer and autumn

    Experts from the Provincial Crop Institute recommend sweet potato varieties suitable for planting in spring, summer and autumn

    Sweet potatoes can be planted in spring, summer and autumn. Spring planting is generally planted in March to April, summer planting is generally planted in May, autumn planting is planted within a week after the beginning of autumn. Here are a few sweet potato varieties suitable for planting in our province. Jinye: new variety of sweet potato for stem-tip vegetables. The variety has soft stem-tip, low crude fiber content, good palatability after ripening, suitable for vegetable use. Open field cultivation, the whole growth period can pick about 10 times, 667 square meters can pick 250 kilograms of stem tips, picking interval time is 15 days. 667 square meters receivable

  • How to do a good job in the late management of plastic film-mulched potatoes in early spring

    How to do a good job in the late management of plastic film-mulched potatoes in early spring

    How to do a good job in the late management of plastic film-mulched potatoes in early spring

  • When do sweet potatoes usually be harvested? How to use potash fertilizer?

    When do sweet potatoes usually be harvested? How to use potash fertilizer?

    Sweet potato is a kind of crop with high yield and easy to grow. It has strong adaptability and is widely planted in the north and south of the country. When do you usually harvest that kind of sweet potato? How to use potash fertilizer? First, when do sweet potatoes usually be harvested? Sweet potato is divided into spring sweet potato and spring sweet potato.

    2020-11-08 Species sweet potatoes general what time harvest how use potash fertilizer
  • What is the average yield of sweet potato 25 per mu? 6000 jin of spring potato and 3500 jin of summer potato

    What is the average yield of sweet potato 25 per mu? 6000 jin of spring potato and 3500 jin of summer potato

    The planting of sweet potato 25 is about 3300 plants per mu, the average yield per mu is about 6000 jin, while that of summer potato is about 3500-4000 plants per mu, and the average yield per mu is about 3500 jin. At present, Yanshu 25 has been planted in Shandong, Henan, Hebei and Liaoning and other areas.

    2020-11-08 Sweet potato average yield per mu how much spring potato 6000 jin summer potato abstract
  • Key points of intercropping and interplanting techniques of Potato

    Key points of intercropping and interplanting techniques of Potato

    The intercropping of potato with grain, cotton and vegetable crops can greatly improve the light energy and land utilization rate, and increase the economic benefit per unit area. The results of the experiment in Zhangqiu City, Shandong Province show that cotton and potato interplanting can yield more than 260 kg of lint and 2100 kg of potato per mu, and the intercropping of spring potato, corn and autumn potato can yield 2100 kg of spring potato, 590 kg of corn and 1300 kg of autumn potato per mu. The net benefit of these two cultivation models can be increased by 100% compared with that of single cotton or corn.

  • Cultivation techniques of Autumn Potato

    Cultivation techniques of Autumn Potato

    The growth condition of autumn potato is opposite to that of spring potato, with high temperature and showers in the early stage, low temperature frost in the later stage, and the growth period is shorter than that of spring potato. Seed potato is a kind of potato harvested in spring, which is planted in August and September, and the corm is still dormant for 50 days from harvest to sowing. If there is no seed potato treatment, the seedling will emerge late and uneven, and a large number of potato pieces will rot, resulting in the failure of autumn planting. Therefore, it is necessary to select excellent varieties with short early dormancy period, seed potato treatment, release dormancy, timely late sowing and prevent rotten seeds in order to be successful. 1. Spring sowing is used in the treatment of seed potato.
